Numismatic Association of Southern California
NASC Board Meeting Info
Attention all NASC Officers, Board Members and All Clubs: NASC BOARD MEETING
The latest NASC meeting was held on Saturday 24 August 2019 in Arcadia prior to the opening of the Golden State Coin Show. The Agenda, Treasurers Report, and the latest meeting minutes will be posted upon promulgation. If you are a Club Officer, Board member, Member Club Representative, or an interested Club member please attend.
There was an NASC board meeting during the recent Golden State Coin Show (GSCS). The show itself was a sell-out, which was great news, and the dates for next year’s GSCS have already been set for 8/21-8/23/20 (eh, can you believe we’ll be tripping over another decade marker here in a few months?).
One of the items discussed during the meeting, with an intent of encouraging early bourse fee collections, was to perhaps bump up the price of the tables a bit, but offer a compensating discount for early payments. Sounds like a good idea: helps ensure payment to the association, while let’s dealers supporting that enjoy a continued great deal on the very reasonable table fees.
Treasurer Jay Robinson wasn’t able to attend the meeting, so we’ll be looking forward to his financial report at the next meeting, or perhaps hopefully an emailed distribution a bit earlier.
Corresponding Secretary Walt Ostromecki gave his report, most of which you can read on page 8.
Recording Secretary Albertus Hoogeveen distributed his formal minutes from the 5/11/19 board meeting. After some muttering and ambiguous head nods the assembled group agreed they were pretty darned good, and committed them to the annals of NASC history.
I mentioned that I’d have the next (this) issue out “soon”. What a liar. I ended up spending a week up in Yellowstone just dogging it, so I’m actually late by about a week. Slacker.
Making up for that somewhat, I attempted to salvage my “earning my keep” persona by mentioning that the new mail merge duties I’d assumed (combining the mailing lists from the two associations) had been worked out with the two corresponding secretaries help finally, and seemed to be operating satisfactorily.
Awards Chairman John Duff said that all the preparations for the banquet were set, and you can read the results of that event elsewhere in this issue (congrats to Jim Philips, Trace Frieden, and Mark Baskin). Armando Nieto was given a complimentary sustaining membership in NASC for all his support over the years, and the whole affair went off without a hitch. Plan to attend next year.
Webmaster Jim Philips works on two sites for NASC now: nasc.net (the regular site), and goldenstatecoinshow. com (the GSCS-specific site). Be sure to visit both to keep up to date on the goings-on of NASC. A couple of planned additions include a listing of the speaker’s bureau as well as an exhibits page with future show dates.
Greetings dear readers! We’ll start off this issue’s installment with news from the last NASC board meeting, held May 11 in San Dimas.
The agenda started off with the normal call to order, pledge of allegiance, and a quorum check (all okay!).
Treasurer Jay Robinson wasn’t able to attend, but there was an accounting sheet available for the period September 2018 to March 2019, with assets totaling $36,039.86. It sounded like there were other various deposits in the prior two months not included, but President Kittle made some verbal comments on those and a more complete report should be available from Jay at the next meeting.
New Corresponding Secretary Walt Ostromecki gave a fairly extensive report, having spent significant time sorting out the transfer of membership records and putting them into a new format suitable for a new mailing list process for TCN. Lots of labor went into that, and readers can turn to page 8 for more details on what he presented and the final tally.
Recording Secretary Albertus Hoogeveen distributed the minutes from the 2/2/19 meeting, and with minor comments they were accepted by the group.
Historian George Moore III was absent, but hopefully we’ll see him at the next board meeting during the Golden State Coin Show (GSCS) in August.
Next, the various committee chairs gave their respective reports. Most were rather perfunctory, but I’ll note following if something was said that I thought worthy of repeating.
As the CSNA representative, Phil Iversen stated that Jim Phillips would be taking over the role of CSNA’s director of education (responsible for putting on the annual symposiums) in the south and Michael Turrini in the north.
John Duff will now take on the role of chairing the speaker’s bureau, and the resulting updated listing should at some point be posted on the www. NASC.net website.
Some old business was discussed. Relating to the GSCS, John Duff will be reviewing a possible renaming of the various exhibit, speaker, and other awards presented, bringing forth Sol Taylor’s and Tom Fitzgerald’s names specifically. More on that as it gets decided.
The banquet for GSCS will be similar to last year, immediately after the bourse closes on Saturday. See elsewhere in this issue for more information and a slip to mail for advance reservations.
The gold raffle tickets will be sponsored by Armando Nieto’s Del Rosa Stamp & Coin, and all 25 of the gold coins are already available. See elsewhere in this issue for ticket info.
As always, the GSCS really needs to have volunteers to help with many of the tasks of setting up and running the show, so if you’ve got some time available, give Mike Kittle a jingle (contact info on the officer’s page), and he’ll be happy to put you to work. I understand there will also be compensation in the form of gold tickets if I’m not mistaken. Sounds like a win-win.
For the first time ever, there will be early bird provisions for NASC members at the GSCS. See that page for more info.
There was discussion about updating the bylaws, policies, and procedures, but those efforts remain to get under steam.
A motion was passed that California clubs would be getting free digital memberships (with the Las Vegas club being grandfathered into that). I’m not sure how or from whom that announcement will come, but stay tuned.
Next NASC board meeting is at the GSCS, 8/24/19 at 8:00 a.m. in Arcadia, thereafter on 9/7/19 at the Long Beach Expo at 8:00 a.m. as well.
Contacting us...email at jimjumper83@gmail.com